[NO IMAGE] Ghost
Golden Conveyor Belt
aren´t really board elements, they move around like
drones,... They are impersonated by unused virtual bot-tokens
(so there can be up to 8 ghosts in play)
Every time a robot enters a board with Graves
on it, a ghost appears on the grave next to the bot.
Ghosts move by executing the players discarded program cards
in a random order. As a ghost receives a maximum of 3 program
cards from its 'parent' robot, ghosts always stand still in
register phases 4+5. If a robot has 4 or more p.o.d.s, his
ghost doesn´t move the whole turn.
are treated like virtual bots, they cannot be pushed or shot
but are blocked by walls! In addition, ghosts hover, they
aren´t affected by belts, gears or pits. But ghosts
can be destroyed by daylight! When a ghost passes the thick
walls and leaves the dark area of the board, he is removed
from the game.
A robot, that moves through a ghosts (or vice versa) or ends
its move in the same square as a ghost takes 1 p.o.d.!
Transporting robots as usual, but three squares per register
Timing: First square before all other belts, second square
contemporaneous with the first square of the blue belt, third
square contemporaneous with blue beltīs second square and
the first and only square of the red belt. |
Robots ending their move on a grave take one point of damage.
Graves are also the starting squares for Ghosts!
Timing: Occurs every register phase in the Resolve Laser Fire
Sequence (D). |
High-Power Teleporter
Hydraulic Pusher
Function: Just in case you play with the rule, that the original
teleporters do NOT teleport robots through walls, the high-power
teleporters always do!
Tming: Contemporaneous with the other teleporters. |
Function: Pushes one or more robots untill they hit a
wall or leave the board (so your robot could get moved up
to 12 squares max.). Like ordinary pushers, it does not damage
Timing: In active register phases (indicated by the numbers)
in the Boards elements move-Sequence. |
On the Spin Chart, the robots movement momentum is shown
by the bot´s distance to the center of the chart, the
spin momentum is shown by the direction it is facing.
Function: Ice squares cause robots to slide according to their
kinetic momentum! Once a robot enters the frozen area, place
its virtual token in the middle of the spin chart. Until the
bot leaves the ice, always execute the program cards on the
spin chart. The real robot then moves according to the summed-up
move on the spin chart (always execute the movement part first,
then the rotation!)
A robot´s move is finished, when he leaves the ice,
the rest of the move/momentum is lost.
Timing: Effect occurs as long as the robot is on frozen squares. |
Lava Pit
Light Barrier
Function: Slings a robot 6 squares away in a direction indicated
by the numbers. In the fifth register phase, the robot is
catapulted straight up and lands on the same box/square again.
Optional: The robot receives 2 points of damage due to
the rough landing (comparable to the Big Jet-option).
Timing: Jack pops out in each and every register phase in
the Board elements move-Sequence. |
Hot lava erupts from the depth of these pits and damages robots.Robots
in the 4 adjancent squares around the pit receive 1 point
of damage.
EXPERT RULE: The lava damages robots in all 8 squares surrounding
the pit.
Timing: Lava bursts out in the indicated register phases in
the Robots move-Sequence.
You can find the original Lava-Pit-element on
spindisc´s site. |
Function: Turns the green flip belts.If one or more robots
moved through a light barrier in the current register phase,
the flip belts move in the opposite direction than last register
phase. If a light barrier is interrupted constantly by a robot
ending its move in it (or turning, ...), the flip belts do
not move at all! They start again, when all light barriers
are free again (of course in the opposite direction they ended
one or more register phases ago).
Timing:Whole turn (all five register phases)
All light barriers control all flip belts, no single barrier
controls a certain belt (we tried that, but it makes things
very complicated, if you design some boards, please mail us!)
A light barrier is no laser, robots remain unharmed in any
way when moving through or ending their move in a light barrier.
Work exactly like ordinary walls. Except that robots can shoots
weapons through it. It does not block any robot-mounted weapons
(unlike force fields / energy walls), only robots movement.
Timing:Always (like a wall :)
Pulls all robots, that are in a straight line with the Magnet
one square closer (and into the pit). Pulled robots don´t
Timing:Occurs in the board elements move sequence (C) after
the belts moved, before the gears turn.
Padded squares & -walls
Function: A robot ending his move on a rubber square cannot
stop immediately, it is bouncing again the amount of squares
he just moved (unless he hits a hard wall or normal ground).
With a Move 2 he moves 4 squares, priority remains that of
the Move 2. Robots also standing on rubber squares are pushed
all the way with him. Robots moving/bouncing on rubber squares
and hitting a rubber wall move into the wall and then bounce
back on the square they came from. This counts as a 1-square-move!
The rest of his move the robot is bouncing backwards away
from the wall
Timing: Affects robot movement in the Robots move-Sequence.
Particle Accelerator
keep track of each robots´ the actual acceleration by
giving the player face-down p.o.d.-tokens. When he got 10
(indicating max speed), the player doesn´t receive more
tokens. Instead, he flips one around every subsequent register
So the 'real' p.o.d.s add up to the damage the robot already
had before entering the Particle Accelerator. |
Function: The Particle Accelerator Ring accelerates every
atom of a robot. At the end of the first register phase, the
robot is moved 1 square CW following one of the lines. In
the next register phase, the bot gets moved 2 squares (only
if it´s still inside the ring of course :) and 1 additional
square each subsequent register phase. After 10 phases (=2
complete rounds), robots get moved 10 squares! That´s
the max speed a bot can take! In the next phases, the robot
doesn´t |
manage to get out of the ring, it´s still moved 10 squares
and takes 1 p.o.d. every reg. phase!
The lines do move robots diagonally. Robots never get rotated
by the Particle Accelerator!
Timing: Acceleration kicks in right at the beginning of the
Board-Elements-Move-sequence (C), before all kinds of belts,etc.
move! |
Pistons have two positions: up or down. All pistons of the
same colour always move into the same position. A down piston
is treated like normal ground. A robot entering a square with
an up piston pushes it down, forcing pistons of the other
colour to move up! A robot in a square with an upcoming piston
slides down into an adjacent square in the direction indicated
by the arrow on the piston (without rotating of course)
Timing: Happens on the fly during robot- and board elements
move-sequences! Most likely (and designed) to happen several
times during one register phase! |
Puddles are too shallow to slow down robots´movement
like water. Their only affect burning robots, which get extinguished
when moving into or through a puddle.
Timing: Always |